Okay... so my dream had me in such a laughing fit when I woke I had tears on my face and my stomach still hurt. Not that it will do my dream justice, but here it goes... to the best of my ability. I hope you can picture this!!!
I'm on a plane coming home from Japan, everyone is chattering. Mom is sitting next to me, Aunt JoAnn is across the aisle as is Joe. Audrey is somewhere towards the back of the plane and Sue is standing in front of me. Joe leans over and says "Hey Liz, you've got to look at this video I had taped..." "O.K." He flips the screen on a camcorder so I could see it and hit play. I could already hear Joe and Audrey giggling as the video began.
The scene is a bunch of Navy officers in their full dress (stark white, creased uniforms, medals, hats, spit shined shoes- get the picture?) standing in some great hall to perform for family and they look awesome. I see Joe standing towards the left side of the rank, slightly obscured by the rest of the men -looking rather suave. They begin this drill cadence type routine, marching and moving their lines without a single person stepping out. They look very serious with these immaculate lines. The drums are going and they are keeping time. These are experienced Navy men, very proud. All of a sudden the company comes to a halt, except Joe... he's still marching, until he is standing between two lines that are facing one another. He then begins to do a high kick step and clapping (think cheerleader) in a Steve Martinish (from dirty rotten scoundrels)sorta way.
The drill begins again. The group heads towards the Navy flag that is hanging on a pole. Next to it is another flag that is wrapped around something. They unravel that flag and there's Will with a huge smile on his face... standing there in dark wash jeans and a charcoal t-shirt, mohawk in full effect. Meanwhile the company has taken the flag and they get into a formation similar to one at the funeral of a serviceman, when they fold the flag. The flag is then pulled taunt and Will jumps on, full length stretched out face up and smiling huge. The men then fling him into the air so high he bangs his head into one of those paneled ceilings. He hits it hard enough that a couple of tiles get knocked out and because of this his feet become lower than his head. He falls feet first back onto the flag then falls face forward onto the ground, smacks his face, and while laughing begins to do push ups. (Joe is continuing his high step clap and is laughing hysterically.) The audience gives a standing ovation. The video stops.
I was laughing so hard I was doubled over, crying and trying to catch my breath. After I could speak, I looked over at Joe and asked him if he could record it onto DVD and send it to me.
I woke up. Took me a couple of seconds to resume normal breathing and realize that it was a dream, not real.
Oh my gosh Liz... I love it!!!! I can totally see it in my head!!! Hilarious, make sure you put a bathroom warning on it though... I almost peed myself laughing so hard.
ReplyDeleteHe hit his head on everything.