As I was thumbing through photos, I was reminded how my brother and I look very much like siblings... yeah, duh, we're siblings, but I sway towards looking more like him than Nan. I focus on my sis and she has some of the similarities, but there's a distinct difference (making her very beautifully alienesque). The thought I had, sent a feeling of uncertainty for a brief moment and I wonder that I made it through those lovely formative teenage years!? Only by God's will did that happen!!!
I seriously contemplated myself, who I was. I liked wearing "boy" clothes, I looked a lot like Phil, I didn't have a dating kind of boyfriend... did I want to have relationships with females because of these two preferences I had? was I a lesbian? Mom used to ask me if I was- probably would have been an easier answer than having to deal with a teenager (believe me, it wasn't long after that that I met Dave and shut that question down.) :)
I find it sickeningly funny how one thought, question in our mind can send us into a tailspin. Make us question the whole foundation upon which we stand.
These reminders make me a tad more empathetic for those who make all sorts of decisions I cannot understand. I think most pointedly... I'm not Judge, I can have my feelings and opinions, but ultimately it's God's arena and I'll come around. The question is -what choice will I make.?